Dedicated OT Support Team

Our OT support team is available from 9-5 Monday to Friday on 09 320 3560

Providing Occupational Therapists and Medical Practitioners with information for the prescribing of Bidets and medical related products. For further information please register on our OT Bidet website as it contains helpful information, guides and forms.  

Click below to access our OT Portal.


Occupational Therapists

If you are an Occupational Therapist looking for a Bidet, The Bidet shop is your best resource. As there are so many different models available, we recommend that you call us directly or send us an email using the form below.

Have problems that makes going to the toilet difficult? Our dedicated occupational therapy support consultants can talk with you to help you find the bidet that is just right for you.

This department is open 10-3 five days a week.  Just give us a call, we are here to help.

Direct OT Line: 09 320 34 26

All products are available for Funding

We’re dedicated to offering toileting solutions that support and improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders with enduring disabilities, along with their families and caregivers. 

Our motto is “To restore independence, dignity and self-esteem“.


Assistive Technology Products that Integrate with Bidets

Pee Guard

The Pee Guard prevents embarrassing and
unhygienic accidents.

50mm Spacer

Fits straight on your toilet seat, raises the level by 50mm. Integrates with Arms if required.

80mm Spacer

Fits straight on your toilet seat, raises the level by 80mm. Integrates with Arms if required.

3 in 1 Arms

Removable toilet arms, provides stability when getting on & off the toilet. Integrates with your Bidet.

Bariatric Arms

The Bariatric Arms are designed for a larger user. Providing safety and stability.

Silverex Showerhead

Can assist in the removal of germs providing greater cleanliness and faster healing.

Travel Bidet

Travel Bidet allows you to take your personal washing system with you when you go out.

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